Terms and Conditions / Handelsbetingelser



Kompagnistræde 21
1208 København K
Tlf: +4526708021
VAT: 4232 1575

OCEAN BLUE PLANET accepts payment through QuickPay services. We do not charge credit card fees. The amount will not be charged until the goods have been shipped and we accept the following credit cards:
Dankort, VISA, Mastercard and MobilePay.
All prices are quoted in DKK including 25 % VAT. Shipping is not included and can be seen at the point of checkout.
The delivery time for your order is 1-3 working days. Delays might occur in connection with campaigns and holiday periods.
OCEAN BLUE PLANET uses PostNord and/or DAO – Private or Pakkeshop for shipment of your ordered items. Freight cost is calculated from the weight of the items. You can choose to have your shipment sent with delivery to your home address or the nearest package shop.
You will receive a Track and Trace-number upon shipment, which allows you to track the shipment at all times.
The Delivery and Shipment terms in this section only applies for shipment with final destination/address in Denmark. For orders outside Denmark, please contact shop@oceanblueplanet.com and we will quote you your order with shipment.
When you receive the order confirmation, make sure that it is in accordance with your order. If you discover errors, or have changes to your order, please contact OCEAN BLUE PLANET as soon as possible at shop@oceanblueplanet.com.
If you regret your purchase (Withdrawal)
OCEAN BLUE PLANET offers a 14days full refund on goods purchased on the website unless otherwise agreed or stated in your order.
The 14days period starts on the day the order is delivered.
Any return costs you incur yourself.
The request for cancellation must be notified to us no later than 14 after the delivery and be with us no later than 14 days after we are informed of your use of the right of cancellation/withdrawal.
If you wish to make use of your right to withdraw the purchase, you must send us an e-mail om shop@oceanblueplanet.com. In your message, clearly make us aware, that you want to use your right of withdrawal.
Condition of the item you have returned
You are responsible for the condition of the product, and of the decreased value of the goods caused by handling it other than what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and function of the goods.
This means, that you have to try/use the item in the same way as if you were shopping in a physical store.
If the item is tested/used in addition to what is described above, it is considered used and of decreased value. This means, that if the purchase is cancelled, you will receive a minor portion or none of the purchase amount refunded. It is up to OCEAN BLUE PLANET to evaluate the item's condition.
We do not accept items sent by COD or which are sent without postage. In addition, we do not pick up parcels that have been sent "without delivery" with PostNord, to a GLS parcel shop or similar.
We ask you to enclose a copy of the invoice for the purchased items, as documentation that the returned item (s) have been purchased on our webshop; www.oceanblueplanet.com.
If you refuse to receive the package, or do not pick it up at the post office/parcel shop, you will be charged the shipping cost for PostNord or DAO to return the package to us.
There is a two-year warranty on products according to the Danish Sales Law. The warranty applies to all errors in software, materials and fabrication.
Complaints regarding errors and defects must be reported to OCEAN BLUE PLANET in a reasonable time after the goods have been received. We consider a maximum of 1 month as a reasonable time, unless otherwise agreed. We will refund reasonable shipping costs.
The complaint waives right to warranty if the items are handled improperly or unusually.
OCEAN BLUE PLANET covers return costs to a reasonable extent.
When returning, please contact us at:

Kompagnistræde 21
1208 Copenhagen K
Tlf: +4526708021

We do not resell personal information and do not pass on your personal information to others. They are only registered in our customer directory.
In order for you to make a purchase with OCEAN BLUE PLANET, we need the following information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
Email address
We make the registration of your personal information for the purpose of delivering the goods to you.
The personal information is registered with OCEAN BLUE PLANET, and stored for up to five years, after which the information is deleted.
When collecting personal information via our website, we ensure that it always happens by submitting your explicit consent, so that you are informed exactly what information is being collected and why.
The director and employees for OCEAN BLUE PLANET have access to the information recorded about you.
We do not store and transmit customer information encrypted.
As registered with OCEAN BLUE PLANET, you always have the right to object to the registration. You also have the right to know what information is registered about you. You have these rights under the Personal Data Act and in connection with this, please contact info@oceanbluecoffee.com if any queries.
At www.oceanblueplanet.com, cookies are used for the purpose of optimizing the website, and its functionality, making the visit as easy as possible for you.
You can delete cookies from your computer at any time, see the instructions on-line.


Kompagnistræde 21
1208 København K
Tlf: +4526708021
CVR: 4232 1575
OCEAN BLUE PLANET accepterer betaling via QuickPay -tjenester. Vi opkræver ikke kreditkortgebyrer. Beløbet opkræves først, når varerne er afsendt, og vi accepterer følgende kreditkort:
Dankort, VISA, Mastercard og MobilePay.
Alle priser er angivet i DKK inklusiv 25 % moms. Forsendelse er ikke inkluderet og kan ses ved kassen.
Leveringstiden for din ordre er 1-3 hverdage. Der kan forekomme forsinkelser i forbindelse med kampagner og ferieperioder.
OCEAN BLUE PLANET bruger PostNord og/eller DAO – begge Privat eller Pakkeshop til forsendelse af dine bestilte varer. Du vælger selv din leveringsmetode. Fragtomkostninger beregnes ud fra varens vægt.
Du modtager et Track and Trace-nummer ved forsendelse, som giver dig mulighed for at spore forsendelsen til enhver tid.
Levering og Fragt vedrører kun forsendelser med adresse i Danmark. For forsendelser/ordrer til udlandet, venligst kontakt shop@oceanblueplanet.com og vi sørger for at rette priserne inkl. forsendelse til.
Når du modtager ordrebekræftelsen, skal du sørge for, at den er i overensstemmelse med din ordre. Hvis du opdager fejl eller har ændringer i din ordre, bedes du kontakte OCEAN BLUE PLANET hurtigst muligt på shop@oceanblueplanet.com.
Hvis du fortryder dit køb (Tilbagekaldelse)
OCEAN BLUE PLANET tilbyder 14 dages fuld refusion for varer købt på webstedet, medmindre andet er aftalt eller angivet i din ordre.
14 dages perioden starter den dag, ordren er leveret.
Eventuelle returneringsomkostninger afholder du selv.
Anmodningen om annullering skal meddeles os senest 14 dage efter leveringen og være os ihænde senest 14 dage efter, at vi er informeret om din brug af fortrydelsesretten.
Hvis du ønsker at gøre brug af din ret til at fortryde købet, skal du sende os en e-mail; shop@oceanblueplanet.com. Gør os klart i din besked om, at du vil bruge din fortrydelsesret.
Tilstanden for den vare, du har returneret
Du er ansvarlig for produktets tilstand og for den nedsatte værdi af varerne forårsaget af håndtering af det andet end det, der er nødvendigt for at bestemme varens art, egenskaber og funktion.
Det betyder, at du skal prøve/bruge varen på samme måde, som hvis du handlede i en fysisk butik.
Hvis varen testes/bruges ud over det, der er beskrevet ovenfor, betragtes den som brugt og af nedsat værdi. Det betyder, at hvis købet annulleres, vil du modtage en mindre del eller intet af ​​købsbeløbet retur. Det er op til OCEAN BLUE PLANET at vurdere varens tilstand.
Vi accepterer ikke varer sendt med COD eller som sendes uden porto. Derudover henter vi ikke pakker, der er sendt "uden levering" med PostNord, til en GLS pakkeshop eller lignende.
Vi beder dig om at vedlægge en kopi af fakturaen for de købte varer som dokumentation for, at de returnerede varer er købt på vores webshop; www.oceanblueplanet.com.
Hvis du nægter at modtage pakken, eller ikke afhenter den på posthuset/pakkeshoppen, vil du blive opkrævet forsendelsesomkostningerne for PostNord eller DAO for at returnere pakken til os.
Der er to års reklamationsret på produkter i henhold til dansk købelov. Reklamationsret gælder for alle fejl i software, materialer og fremstilling.
Klager over fejl og mangler skal indberettes til OCEAN BLUE PLANET i rimelig tid efter, at varerne er modtaget. Vi betragter maksimalt 1 måned som en rimelig tid, medmindre andet er aftalt.
Kunden fraskriver sig ret til reklamationsret, hvis varerne håndteres forkert eller uansvarligt.
OCEAN BLUE PLANET dækker returomkostninger i et rimeligt omfang.
Ved returnering bedes du sende til følgende adresse:
Kompagnistræde 21
1208 København K
Tlf: +4526708021
Vi videresælger ikke personlige oplysninger og videregiver ikke dine personlige oplysninger til andre. De er kun registreret i vores kundekatalog.
For at du kan foretage et køb med OCEAN BLUE PLANET, har vi brug for følgende oplysninger:
  • Navn
  • Adresse
  • Telefonnummer
  • Email

Vi foretager registrering af dine personlige oplysninger med det formål at levere varerne til dig.
Personoplysningerne registreres hos OCEAN BLUE PLANET og opbevares i op til fem år, hvorefter oplysningerne slettes.
Når vi indsamler personlige oplysninger via vores websted, sikrer vi, at det altid sker ved at indsende dit udtrykkelige samtykke, så du får oplyst præcis, hvilke oplysninger der indsamles og hvorfor.
Direktøren og medarbejderne for OCEAN BLUE PLANET har adgang til de oplysninger, der registreres om dig.
Vi gemmer og sender ikke kundeoplysninger krypteret.
Som kunde hos OCEAN BLUE PLANET har du altid ret til at gøre indsigelse mod registreringen. Du har også ret til at vide, hvilke oplysninger der er registreret om dig. Du har disse rettigheder i henhold til persondataloven og i forbindelse hermed bedes du kontakte salg@oceanbluecoffee.comhvis du har spørgsmål.
På www.oceanblueplanet.com bruges cookies med det formål at optimere webstedet og dets funktionalitet, hvilket gør besøget så let som muligt for dig.
Du kan til enhver tid slette cookies fra din computer, se instruktionerne online.

OCEAN BLUE PLANET ApS • Kompagnistræde 21 • 1208 København K • Denmark
CVR: 4232 1575 • Handelsbanken • 6483 2044321